Yesterday in the mail I got $50 in checks for taking surveys and mystery shopping - one check for $20 from Toluna and a $30 check from Bestmark! I should have taken a picture of the checks so you could see that it's real, but I shredded them after I deposited them... I'll be sure to post a picture next time so you can see it's real.
I've only been a member of Toluna for a few months and was already able to cash out with $20. The check from Bestmark was for 3 shops. Not too bad! The other nice thing - Toluna often does product testing, so you get points for testing out full size products! So you get the product for free AND you get points, that add up to redeem for cash, gift cards or other products.
If you're interested in any more of these opportunities, check out my Mystery Shopping / Survey Site page for more companies in which I participate.
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